It isn’t your eyes or ears that a person remember on your first encounter. However a smiling face of a passing individual can put a smile on your face. A smiling face puts a lot of positive vibe in the surrounding atmosphere. Generally many people suffer from some kind of dental disease either knowingly or unknowingly. Malalinged teeth is one of them. Orthodontic or Ortho treatment is best solution for such a dental disease. If you don’t believe then just go over the next few points. You’ll notice that probably a similar situation have occurred with you:
Well not everyone is born with a set of perfect teeth. Also many patients have complaint of irregular placement of their teeth. Teeth that are in upper part of jaw does not coincide with those in lower jaw. This is where one need a specialist doctor in the field of Dental Care. Probably an expert in handling such cases.
Orthodontic Treatment is either done for treatment of malaligned teeth or forwardly placed teeth. One can have this treatment for proper alignment of teeth in upper and lower jaw.
Dentist hands working on young teen patient with dental braces at Root And Tooth.
It’s important to know when and at what age one should have an Orthodontic Treatment. But before that one should understand the basic, as of why should one go for an Ortho treatment?. Placing of Malaligned teeth or forwardly placed teeth to its proper position may help in achieving an attractive look. Also this procedure makes chewing, eating and brushing comfortable.
Some patients have complaint of upper teeth sticking out from remaining due to which their looks become improper. Injuries may occur in these so called “prominent” teeth. Sometimes the teeth in the upper and lower jaw does not coincide. This may cause stain and pain in the muscles of the jaw. This pain in jaw can sometime be very serious. As a result it may either lead to jaw and joint problem or sometime persistent and unexplained headaches.
BRACES at Root And Tooth Dental Care is a one stop solution to these dental problem while looking for an Orthodontic Treatment in Jaipur, India. Root And Tooth Dental Care is rightful place for a reason. Ortho treatment at Root And Tooth Dental Care is done by famous Orthodontist, Dr. Naresh Khandelwal from district of Dausa, Rajasthan.
Dr. Naresh Khandelwal , who is also the founder of Root And Tooth Dental Care is an expert of this field. Furthermore, he’s having over 5000 Orthodontic patients just from the state of Rajasthan. Dentistry with experience yields excellence. Therefore there should be no doubt in selection of your Orthodontist.
Ortho and Braces helps in long term dental health solution because one can have properly placed teeth. Hence this helps in chewing and brushing purpose. There is no age limit for an Orthodontic treatment. However taking this treatment at an early age is preferable. Probably as a child when all the permanent teeth have erupted, but not in too early stage. However adults can also have this treatment without any problem as there is no specific age limit.
Orthodontic Treatment in Jaipur at Root And Tooth Dental Care is done with the help of braces. Braces consist of brackets that are bounded to the teeth via archwire that are threaded through the brackets. Archwires act like a track and guide the teeth back to their proper position. Now a days there are various types of braces that are available in the market for the patients which includes both the traditional types and new ones like :