Many people have hesitation in visiting a dentist. This may be because of their dental anxiety or improper attitude towards dental hygiene. Therefore, before discussing about Root canal it is important to know why one should have dental treatment. Most people suffer from one or another kind of dental disease either knowingly or unknowingly. If you don’t believe then just go over the next few points and think, probably the situation ever occurred with you:
Looking for a solution may be sometime you have also thought of following FAQ’s :
Well all you worries are just about to end because you have reached the rightful place. Since, Root And Tooth Dental Care is a one step solution for all you dental problems.
Most noteworthly,nothing looks, feels or function better that your natural teeth. Hence with right kind of care your smile and your smiling teeth can last for a lifetime. But sometimes teeth may get injure and infected. Such critically injured or diseased teeth can be brought back to its natural and painless state. This maybe done by a specialized dental procedure in the field of dental care called Root Canal Treatment .
Root Canal Treatment ( RCT ) also refer as Endodontics is a dental procedure perform by a dentist that is specialist in this field. Endodontics is a special area of dentistry that focuses on treating injury or disease to the dental pulp. An Endodontist is a specialist doctor for treatment of Root Canal.
Here are some basic FAQ’s of patients at Root And Tooth Dental Care answered by team of our best dentists in Jaipur. These will help you understand the basic of saving your tooth from damage. In addition to this it will also help you in understanding when is a Root Canal Treatment or commonly termed Root Canal / RCT required.
Damaged teeth is a painful situation. In case of a Root Canal Treatment, a damaged tooth is a situation where the pulp of tooth damages. A Pulp is a soft tissue that contains nerves, arteries, veins and lymph vessels of a tooth. Pulp is situated within dentin, a bone like tissue that supports the enamel. A crown is a portion of tooth above the gums. Generally , in such kind of situation a pulp extends from its pulp chamber to the crown and to the down tip of the root by the way of root canal.
Damaged pulp is very troublesome situation. Eventually with time the damaged pulp dies since it’s unable to heal itself to a normal condition. Most commonly this happens either due to fracture or when the deep cavity have been expose to saliva. Human Saliva consists of bacteria, thousand in number. Therefore after coming in contact with the damaged pulp the mixture cause infection inside the tooth. This situation eventually causes pulp to die. Furthermore, it can also cause pus at the tip of the root.
This is where you need a dentist for an Endodontic Treatment. First of all during RCT at Root and Tooth Dental Care, aim of a dentist is to relieve our patient from pain. Secondly, in addition to this providing a suitable cure which is best depending upon the condition of a particular case.
At Root and Tooth various time variants are available for Root Canal Treatment :
At our Dental Care center in Jaipur choice of procedure is completely at will of our patient. However , a group of best dentist of Jaipur is always their to consult. Since, a doctor can suggest better while choosing what’s best according to patients health.